Friday, October 07, 2005

Went to the Ga. Tech - NCST game last night

A few observations:

1. Tech fans suck, period. I really think that they should stick to calculus or magnetics or whatever the hell they do. To say they were uneducated about football would be an understatement. I think at freshman orientation, they teach them to automatically emulate the "pass interference" motion any, and I mean ANY time Tech drops or misses a pass. Only one time did they have a legitimate argument, and only because of the incessant booing, I think the refs gave in. Also, overhearing some of the "fans" around me doing their playcall suggestions just magnified how stupid I think they are. It’s fourth and 2 "I think an end around would work here…they’d never expect it". Unbelievable.

2. Tech fans suck, part 2. Tech "trash talk" is comical. They haven’t quite left high school yet. Case in point: adding the word "sucks" to the end of every NC State cheer, such as "Let’s go Wolfpack" "SUCKS!". Good one, nerds. Also, they really have an inferiority complex when it comes to fans of other teams. I wore "neutral" colors and watched Tech fans dish it out to Pack fans. But then at the end of the game, POOF, they were gone. Wow, imagine that.

3. Tech fans suck, part 3. There’s 2 minutes left. You have the ball on a game winning drive. You know what seems like a good idea? Leaving the game. I couldn’t believe how many people left the game early. It was a steady stream of people. Well, I guess if you got a long night of reading the new Harry Potter novel, you can’t start at midnight. So, my bad.

4. Reggie Ball really sucks. Sucks long. Sucks hard. I mean even Tech fans admit this but they try to paint him as a poor kid stuck in a bad system. No, he just sucks. Countless overthrows, under-throws, misread routes. Chan Gailey can thank Ball alone for his firing at the end of this season.

5. Calvin Johnson is a stud. He is literally the only Tech player that scares me. No one else. Some of his catches were astounding. We still win by 40 points.

6. Some Georgia fans are stupid and they embarrass me. I’m a die hard Dawg. I bask in every moment of Tech misery. I hope they go 0-11 every year. I went to this game just to pull against Tech hoping my being there impacted the game’s end (obviously it did). Wearing a "G" shirt is fine, but be prepared to get yelled at. But some UGA fans there were chanting "Overrated" 3 minutes into the game, screaming "51-7 part two!!", openly blaring out how lame Tech is in every aspect. Basically poking the hornet’s nest, literally. Then when this one kid is pestering me to join him in ridiculing Tech, he was shocked when I just ignored him. I’m sitting on the edge of the stadium, dude. I’m not getting thrown over because you’re a dumbass. To go there and start screaming "…nothing finer in the land, than a drunk obnoxious Georgia fan" in the middle of the Tech student section? If you die, you deserved it. You got way bigger balls than I.

7. Never, and I mean NEVER, underestimate the power of Georgia Tech football. Just when NC State was looking like they were gonna give it up, they throw down the gauntlet and execute a bomb PERFECTLY. The next drive, Tech has to punt and hope the defense holds. They were able to get the ball back with 2 minutes. To that point, Tech had been running over the Wolfpack D. They get closer and closer, tearing the Wolf D a new one. The Wolfpack fan next to me is going apes**t saying "Oh man, we suck, we’re gonna lose, this in unreal, we had it in the bag" etc., etc. I told him "It’s not over yet…this IS Georgia Tech football. Strange things happen to this team" He rolled his eyes at me looking at me like I was nuts. 3 plays later "INTERCEPTION!!! TOUCHBACK!!! OH MY GOD!!!! WHAT THE F**K JUST HAPPENED?" I hit him on the shoulder and and looked at him as if to say "Told ya so". He looked at me like I was some kind of god. What he didn’t know is, I am.


Thursday, September 29, 2005

Gas Prices

If you know me well, you know I like to bitch a lot. Today's topic: Gas Prices. On the Dawgvent (to your right is a link) I got hammered for bitching about gas. They said "Well you shouldn't own an SUV then!" Bullsh*t! When I bought that thing, gas was $1.19 a gallon. Gas was very affordable. Now gas is, what, $2.99 today. Let's do some math:

20 gallons a week
52 weeks a year
Before: 1040 gallons @ 1.19 = $1237 a year
After: 1040 gallons @ 2.99 = $3109 a year

This is for one car. My other car is about half the capacity. This is $2500 roughly per year difference for two cars! Do you know what I could do with $2500? Ugh.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Check out my web business,

Be sure to check out my wife's and my website. The site is What we do is set kids up to TRADE used textbooks. We don't sell them. We have no inventory. We just get sick and tired of watching our friends get shafted by the bookstore when we know they could be saving money by trading books with people they may or may not know. That's why we set it up. If you have any questions, e-mail me at or

Wow, I went ahead and lept into 2003 and got a blogspot

So I guess I am cool now, huh? Exciting. This is what I've waited for my whole life. Well, maybe not.

Well, a little about me I reckon: I'm 30; I live in Suwanee, Georgia; I'm married to my wife of 2.5 years, Rebecca; I love scuba diving, tennis, golf, and generally being outside. I've recently gotten into biking. Biking's great...all the benefits of running without killing your knees. My passions are scuba and UGA football though. Die Hard Dawg right here. I go to every game I can, including away. Just spent the weekend in lovely Starkville, Mississippi watching my Dawgs take it to the fake-Dawgs.

Personally, I'm a very interesting person I think (thought most think they are as well). I try my hardest to be the nicest guy I can. I go out of the way a lot for a lot of people. I'm very determined as well. I consider myself a very rational person. Politically, I'd say I'm right of center, but no I don't worship Rush or Sean Hannity. I listen to the left, but for the most part I disagree with most of their opinions.

I'm pretty diverse I think. I have friends from just about every culture. I speak Spanish though I'm not Latino or anything. I just like it. I like to travel to Spanish speaking countries and show off. You'd be suprised how well it's received.

Well, since this is more of a "diary" kind of thing, I guess I'll ad more later.